28 January 2008

3 minutes as the world passes my door

Slam, thunk, dull metallic thud, shit! no way! what? naw, he did not say that! I've heard of him, whisper whisper whistle he was in the hospital bang slam shriek hall sweep! what? AB2? hell no! electronic walkie-talkie voice all right! she don't know what she's gonna do today blah blah for next week blah blah voice from the ceiling today's inspiration choir meeting is canceled let's go man get movin' it don't mean shit metallic slam drone drone drone solid wooden slam see my girl? that study hall is whack scuffle rattle static-y buzz all right scholars drone drone blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah drone drone blah blah blah blah blah drone

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