23 September 2009

It's a word now.

Me: So for this essay you should probably have four paragraphs. The first one would be . . .

Most of the class: Intro.

Me: The second would be . . .

Third of the class: A body paragraph.

Me: Good. The third would be . . .

Handful of the class (hesitantly): Another body paragraph?

Me: Yup. Good. And the last paragraph would be . . .

One lone voice: The outro.

Me: Hmmm. I like that.


Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY and WITHOUTADOUBT love this one most of all. This is how languages (such as English) are created: through a subtle process of logical and epistemological thought...

nfhuth said...

Thanks. It amused me, too.

gary barwin said...

A friend of my son's recounts:

Teacher (to Grade 8 girl): What!? You think you can get by on looks alone?

Student: No!.......
(then in quieter voice.)
.....could I?

OmoDudu OniDada said...

LOL! Outro lollllll!